To be honest, I received this card yesterday but I did not have the time to register it. It is my third official from China and I found it in my mailbox after I complained a little bit about the fact that I always receive cards from the same countries but I was surprised because the card is totally different than the ones I received before! It shows us eight female soldiers who sacrified themselves for the civilization of China. The card has travelled a distance of 8,679 Kms in 10 days.
I like the message on the back which explained what this card has to purpose and some written Chinese characters! I think it is very difficult to write them but they are very beautiful.
My name is Lisan and I live in Netherlands. I'm participating in a project called Postcrossing since March 2009. I created this blog to share my experiences with exchanging postcards all over the world and the project itself :) You can see my profile here
dit is een mooie en bijzondere kaart!