Today I requested a new address as well. This time to a small village near Moscow in Russia! The person wishlist contains a UNESO card and fortunatley I had one card of a UNESCO Heritage site in the Netherlands in my 'to send' collection. It is a 'new' member (for 3 months right now) so that means it was easy to pick a card because when I look at profiles of more experienced members I always see some Dutch cards I have bought as well. That is the most difficult thing, to be original because it is very hard to find original views cards for instance but we keep on trying and looking for somethng original! I'm very curious when my card to Russia will arrived because I saw that it could be very long (more than zes weeks for instance).
For now, it is the last card I will send this week because I will wait till I receive my first card and/or till my others are arrived otherwise it will be too expensive. At the moment I have still four cards traveling:




And I'm still wondering, why took it so long for a card to reach a destination only 136 kms away? It is still on the road for almost six days.... I really thought our mailservices were faster anyway...
coooool! :D that's pretty far already! :) Hope your other cards will arrive soon also!