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Oh yeah! Finally I found some postcards in my mailbox! And not one but two! One from Japan and one from China! So I'm very happy with it! I will write more about in seperate blogs later!Today my sent card to Taiwan
is arrived as well after twelve days of travelling! Again I got a nice message back from the receiver! I'm always happy when my card is appreciated! I have a new sent distance record as well! This time 
9,469 Kms!
I'll send more cards later this week!
Hurray! My second card to Finland
arrived yesterday after four days of travelling. Pretty fast I guess. This time to a 'big' city, named Turku. The total distance between my home and the mailbox of the receiver was 1,404 kms. I got a nice thank you message back with a compliment that I have sent such an original card. Which was extremely difficult because the receiver has already received 345 cards when I used to send mine. I'm very happy that my efforts to find something orignal are appreciated!! Yeah, this thank you message really makes me smile!
I'm still wondering if my card to Germany has lost its way because it is already 10 days ago that I post it in the mailbox and in my opinion, it does not have to take for so long to reach a destination that is next to my country. But I will be patient and wait for another week in the hope that it will appear. Maybe I have made a mistake in the address but that would be stupid because I'm very precise when I write down the address. My card to Taiwan is still 9 days travelling but I'm not worried because it is a 'far away' country so I'm aware of the fact that it could take long before it will reach its destination.
I read a discussion today on the postcrossing forum about the fact that most of the cards that are send or received are to/from three countries: USA, Finland and Germany. Some people do not like it to get the same countries all the time. I understand that it is a little bit boring but I try to find a new approach for this problem. I requested today a new address and guess to which country? Finland! To be honest, I think you should always look on the bright side of life and for me, I don't look at the country anymore when I request an address and get one in USA/Finland/Germany but look at the region/state/city. Because then it is a suprise everytime to which region/state/city you have to send a card and it is nice to do some research about it! But this new approach was a little bit disappointed when I use it for the first time because the city is in the same region as Turku; Varsinais-Suomi. But it is a different city so actually I do not have anything to complain about!
My mailbox is still empty so it has been quiet here for the last days. I'm really looking forward to receive my first card and I know that everyday could be the day of receiving the first card. Tomrrow there is no mail delivery, so I think there wont be some news either.My other cards are traveling somewhere in the world. I have requested a new adress as well. Again to the USA
but this time to a village near Chicago. I don't mind that it is my second card to the USA because it such a big country, it doesn't matter! By the way, I only send cards to woman till now. Isn't that funny?Hopefully I can show you my first received card next week!
And my second card is arrived as well! Actually, it's my fourth card I have sent. After five days of traveling my card has reached his destination in England
(to be honest it should be four because I didn't had the time to go to the mailbox at the day I request the address)The total distance between my home and the mailbox of the receiver was 364 kms! Funniest thing is that I had to send the card to London, a town that I really like! I have been there last summer on vacation and I really enjoyed! I hope I will be able to visit the town in the nearly future again because there is a lot I have not seen there, for instance Kew Gardens.After I received the message that my first card to Finland was arrived and registered, I requested for a new adress. I have to send a card to Finland again, what a coincidence! (yeah I'm aware of the fact that postcrossing is very popular in Finland). It is another city than the first time.
My collection of postcards to send is still growing. Yesterday I went to my university and we have our own bookshop with.... postcards! Mostly in B/W but they are really cute!
The first week of a postcrossing member is very hard. You sent out cards and than you have to wait till your sent card will be arrived untill you can expect something back. And I can tell you, that feels very very long. Longer that it is in real time. I was a lucky person because my first card is traveling to Finland and not to a country far away where the mailman delivers once a week. So I think it could be there every moment.I'm happy with some other destinations as well, because the United Kingdom and Germany is not that far that it should be taken longer than four days for instance. But to be honest, I would like to send cards to further destinations and that I don't know very well so I can share some culture. So I was happy with Taiwan and USA as well but when you are a newbie and can't wait for cards, it is nice to see some 'not that far away' countries in you sent postcards list.
Fortunately all the members to whom I sent a card, are active so I don't have to be worried that they wont register my card (well...I hope so..maybe they don't like it... ;) but I really do my best to send something nice). The only thing I'm worried about is if they can read the postcard-ID. I wrote it in the right edge but I have heard that our national postservice use that edge to put some marking stamp on it so the machines can notice it during the sorting out process. But just like the FAQ on the Postcrossing website said:Please be patient, experienced postcrossers will quickly advise you to do the same - it works! To be continued....
Since last week, I participatie in Postcrossing, a project with the slogan: “send a postcard and receive a postcard back from a random person somewhere in the world".
I created this blog to keep you up to date about how it is going on with my project. I'm sorry for my bad English sometimes, but I'm not a native speaker. I live in the Netherlands. Before I started with the project, I bought some nice cards and some stamps and I was ready to begin!At the moment, there are 5 cards sent by me traveling throughout the world and the only thing I can do is sit and wait till they will be registered due to the fact my current limit is sending 5 postcards at once. If some receive one of my cards and register it, I'm the next one who is eligible to receive a postcard from another members and I get the opportunity to send a new one. From which country is always a suprise ;) and that is what I like about the project!So I have to wait till my cards to Germany, Finland, USA, Taiwan and United Kingom are arrived and registered!