I have received different cards from Ukraine via the postcrossing forum but in 2011; 2 years after I participated in this project; I received one via the official site . It has traveled a distance of 1830 km in 14 days.
In the last 1,5 months, I received 3 official card from Belarus . All of them are long shaped cards and were send from Minsk. This one has traveled a distance of 1568 kms in 10 days. It is a very special card for me because it shows the Wawel castle in Kraków, Poland. I have been there last year and I really like Kraków. It's nice to receive a card from something you really like.
I do not receive that often card from the United Kingdom . This one has traveled a distance of 436 kms in 16 days. It shows us the lake district; a part of UK where I have never been. I have only learned about the cotton industry in Lancashire part in my last year of highschool.
It has been almost 4 months ago when I received for the last time a card from France . It has traveled a distance of 768 kms in 9 days. It is a Christmas card.
My name is Lisan and I live in Netherlands. I'm participating in a project called Postcrossing since March 2009. I created this blog to share my experiences with exchanging postcards all over the world and the project itself :) You can see my profile here