22 March 2010. USA Day! I received three cards from the USA , all sent on different days! I think they have store those cards somewhere because they were travelling long as well. This one has traveled a distance of 7753 in 14 days.
150!!! I received my 150th card from the United Kingdom ! It has traveled 496kms in 11 days. It shows us the Houses of the Parliament and the Big Ben. I have been to London in 2008 and made some nightpictures myself! I will go back in the end of May so I'm very happy with this card as a 'celebration'card!
Again a card via a Round Robin. This time from Finland . I do not receive very often cards from Finland via Round Robins. This one is send by Anu. I like the cow on the picture, which is riding a bike!
Another slavic countries card! Again from Poland ! Send by Tasha75 via the slavic countries rr. I know there is not much variety on my blog the last weeks, but I still like Polish postcards! This one is from castle Ksiaz.
I was very happy when I found this card from the UK in my mailbox! It is send by Duplevista via the Netherlands RR and shows my favourite band; The Rolling Stones! It is an very old picture because Brian Jones is on it. He died in 1969, so this picture is from the sixties!
Another card via the Slavic Counties RR from Russia send by Cantalupe.
Inextricably linked to all the most important historical and political events in Russia since the 13th century, the Kremlin (built between the 14th and 17th centuries by outstanding Russian and foreign architects) was the residence of the Great Prince and also a religious centre. At the foot of its ramparts, on Red Square, St Basil's Basilica is one of the most beautiful Russian Orthodox monuments.
I received this great card from Russia from Juliet. Due to the fact I participate a lot in the Slavic Countriess RR, I have a lot of Slavic cards in my collection. This is a great addition! It shows the Novodevichy convent! An UNESCO site. I have been to Moscow one year ago and visit this convent as well. It is very beautiful!
The Novodevichy Convent, in south-western Moscow, built in the 16th and 17th centuries in the so-called Moscow Baroque style, was part of a chain of monastic ensembles that were integrated into the defence system of the city. The convent was directly associated with the political, cultural and religious history of Russia, and closely linked to the Moscow Kremlin. It was used by women of the Tsar’s family and the aristocracy. Members of the Tsar’s family and entourage were also buried in its cemetery. The convent provides an example of the highest accomplishments of Russian architecture with rich interiors and an important collection of paintings and artefacts.
An again a Vancouver 2010 stamp!! I'm so happy with those stamps :D
It seems like last week I receive a few cards from countries which i haven't seen for 6 months ;) Like this one from Ukraïne , send by Prott via the Slavic Countries Round Robin. It shows us the independence square in Kiev.
What suprised me the most were the stamps!! Real Vancouver 2010 stamps!! I have been there and it is such a nice memorie to see those stamps on postcards!
It has been a while ago, when I received a card from Lithuana . It has travelled a distance of 1316 kms in 22 days.
The card shows us Klaipeda and the only other card I have from this country, also show us this UNESCO site ;) I just found out that Lithuana is on the 19th place from most send cards :)
Human habitation of this elongated sand dune peninsula, 98 km long and 0.4-4 km wide, dates back to prehistoric times. Throughout this period it has been threatened by the natural forces of wind and waves. Its survival to the present day has been made possible only as a result of ceaseless human efforts to combat the erosion of the Spit, dramatically illustrated by continuing stabilisation and reforestation projects.
Another card from Poland!. This time an official! It has travelled a distance of 804 kms in 4 days only! Pretty fast for a card from Poland! It shows the city of Poznan, which I wont see this summer but maybe in the future!
Another UNESCO site from Poland ! This one was send via the Slavic Countries RR as well by Vesti. It shows the historic centre of Kraków, which I will visit this summer!
The historic centre of Cracow, the former capital of Poland, is situated at the foot of the Royal Wawel Castle. The 13th-century merchants' town has Europe's largest market square and numerous historical houses, palaces and churches with their magnificent interiors. Further evidence of the town's fascinating history is provided by the remnants of the 14th-century fortifications and the medieval site of Kazimierz with its ancient synagogues in the southern part of town, Jagellonian University and the Gothic cathedral where the kings of Poland were buried.
Another card from mchomka from Poland . It was send via the Slavic Countries RR and shows a nice UNESCO site; Weukucxka salt mine. A new one to my collection! I hope to see this UNESCO next summer, when I will visit Poland.
This deposit of rock salt in Wieliczka-Bochnia has been mined since the 13th century. Spread over nine levels, it has 300 km of galleries with works of art, altars, and statues sculpted in the salt, making a fascinating pilgrimage into the past of a major industrial undertaking.
This card from the USA is made by the sender. I like photographt as well and it is always nice to see that people make their own cards of there own pictures. It has travelled a distance of 8,029 kms in 11 days.
Another card from the USA came in my mailbox in the beginning of this month! I received it from msmasucc via the Netherlands RR. It shows Upper Peninsula.
I received another nice winterview from Finland . It has travelled a distance of 1,538 km in 11 days. It shows the church and woodhouse of Hauho, in the southern part of Finland.
This beautiful card was send by Bodex, from Poland via the you choose unesco wsh tag. It shows the castle of Malbork.
This 13th-century fortified monastery belonging to the Teutonic Order was substantially enlarged and embellished after 1309, when the seat of the Grand Master moved here from Venice. A particularly fine example of a medieval brick castle, it later fell into decay, but was meticulously restored in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Many of the conservation techniques now accepted as standard were evolved here. Following severe damage in the Second World War it was once again restored, using the detailed documentation prepared by earlier conservators.
Another card from Russia . It was send by Paultry via the Slavic Countries RR. It showsthe Slovoki Islandsm which is a UNESCO site.
The Solovetsky archipelago comprises six islands in the western part of the White Sea, covering 300 km2. They have been inhabited since the 5th century B.C. and important traces of a human presence from as far back as the 5th millennium B.C. can be found there. The archipelago has been the site of fervent monastic activity since the 15th century, and there are several churches dating from the 16th to the 19th century.
I received this on via the You Choose Unesco Tag from Marinella from Russia . It shows White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal, actually this is Suzdal.
These two artistic centres in central Russia hold an important place in the country's architectural history. There are a number of magnificent 12th- and 13th-century public and religious buildings, above all the masterpieces of the Collegiate Church of St Demetrios and the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin.
My name is Lisan and I live in Netherlands. I'm participating in a project called Postcrossing since March 2009. I created this blog to share my experiences with exchanging postcards all over the world and the project itself :) You can see my profile here